Worried You May Be Partially at Fault after a Crash? Get a Lawyer Today.

by admin@gotechark.com | October 7th, 2019

Virginia is a contributory negligence state. That means that injured victims often have a difficult time filing compensation claims after getting hurt in accidents that may be partially their fault. Because of this law, insurance companies can often reduce or dismiss claims outright when there’s any evidence that suggests claimants are even slightly at fault.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Virginia auto accident attorneys know how frustrating this experience can be for injured victims like you. It’s especially important to be aware of this potential pitfall to receiving compensation in the immediate aftermath of your crash. That’s because you may be contacted by the insurance company, and if you provide a statement that indicates liability—even if facts later prove you didn’t contribute to the crash—you may be unable to pursue compensation.

The sooner you contact a lawyer after your auto accident, the better. In addition to helping establish the facts of the crash, we can also protect you from the insurance company and its team of adjusters who want to pay you as little as possible. That means you won’t have to worry about accidentally providing a statement that can jeopardize your claim at any point, as the insurance company will have to direct all communication to you through us first.

Don’t risk getting caught up in the blame game or missing your chance to get compensation. Virginia’s statute of limitations is just two years, and it expires faster than you think. Contact us today for a free consultation.