We’re Here for Traumatic Brain Injury Victims and Their Families

by admin@gotechark.com | March 25th, 2019

Have you or someone you love recently suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI)? Whether it was due to a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a workplace accident, or any other accident, it’s important to get legal representation on your side.

TBIs are expensive and life-changing. Victims often have difficulty with routine and day-to-day tasks, which means many are unable to work for long periods of time and even for the rest of their lives. The combination of lost paychecks and expensive medical bills and rehabilitation is often too much for many families to bear.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk brain injury attorneys know what you’re going through after a TBI. We’ve seen the profound effects that TBIs have on families, and we know that those injuries can result in difficulties that last for decades. That’s why we strive to help victims and their loved ones get maximum compensation after injuries that weren’t their fault.

When you choose us to handle your TBI claim, we’ll do everything in our power to help you get the money you deserve. We’ll start by finding out who was responsible for the injury, and then we’ll collect evidence that leaves no doubt in the insurance company’s mind concerning liability. Then, we’ll determine how much money your family is owed. Finally, we’ll negotiate with the insurance company to help you get every penny.

Get a law firm on your side that understands your situation and knows how to help. Call us today for a free consultation.