Can You Get Compensation if a Non-Recalled Drug Hurt You?

by | July 5th, 2021

Many of the drugs involved in drug injury lawsuits have been recalled by their manufacturers. Although that move is coordinated by their manufacturers and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to protect the public, it can also open the floodgates for lawsuits, as it can be construed as the drug company admitting that the medication is dangerous.

But what happens if you get seriously injured or sick after taking a medication that isn’t recalled? Can you still file an injury claim against its manufacturer? The answer is yes, but doing so requires the experience and resources of a law firm even more than when the drug has already been recalled.

In some cases, many drug injury lawsuits are filed around the same time, which can prompt drug manufacturers to recall their medications. In situations like this, there is strength in numbers, whether the lawsuits are filed individually or as a class-action lawsuit. But successful claims don’t require similar claims being filed against manufacturers.

Each case is unique, and if it can be proven that a drug manufacturer knew or should have known of potential dangers but didn’t properly warn patients, doctors, and pharmacies, they can be held liable for any injuries and illnesses that occur.

If you or someone you love was harmed by a prescription or over-the-counter drug, our Virginia drug injury lawyers want to know your story. We’ll collect evidence that proves your health problems were caused by the medication you took, and we’ll work hard to get you full compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation.