Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers Blog

What Are Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths?

by admin@gotechark.com | March 12th, 2018

If your loved one’s death could have been prevented, you deserve answers—and compensation if their death was caused by negligence. At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, it’s our goal to help you get the damages your family deserves during this difficult time.

A Norfolk wrongful death lawyer can speak to you after your loved one’s death if you believe it was caused by another person’s or party’s negligence. One of the most common concerns we hear is whether or not surviving loved ones have a potential claim. In order for us to determine your rights, it’s vital that you contact us so that we can hear all of the details of what happened.

However, knowing the following common causes of wrongful deaths may help you as you move forward with your claim:

  • Auto accidents – Distracted drivers, drunk drivers, and aggressive drivers can seriously harm and even kill other motorists and their passengers.
  • Truck accidents – Truck drivers, companies, and owners are responsible for following strict safety guidelines at all times.
  • Medical malpractice – Healthcare professionals take oaths to “do no harm,” but their carelessness and negligence can cost patients their lives.
  • Work-related accidents – Employers have a duty to provide their workers with safe working environments, and when they don’t, fatal accidents can occur.

Those are just a few of the accident types that can be linked to wrongful deaths. Get in touch us today with for a free consultation to find out how we can help your family get the money you deserve for the loss of your loved one.

Why Do You Need a Lawyer for a Medical Malpractice Claim?

by admin@gotechark.com | March 5th, 2018

We trust medical professionals with our health and well-being. Whether we’re visiting a general practitioner for a checkup or going to a surgical specialist for an invasive procedure, we believe that they will treat us with the care, attention, and respect we deserve.

Unfortunately, medical professionals don’t always uphold their responsibilities and duties to patients. When doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare providers fail to provide adequate care due to carelessness, negligence, or misconduct, their patients can become seriously sick, injured, or even die.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, it’s our goal to stand up for the rights of people who were hurt in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other medical facilities. If you were hurt by a healthcare professional, a Norfolk medical malpractice attorney can help by:

  • Working to prove your healthcare provider caused your health problems – Healthcare providers and the facilities that employ them often deny wrongdoing and negligence. But we know how to collect evidence that can help prove you were hurt by the people who were supposed to make you feel better.
  • Negotiating for maximum compensation – Victims of medical mistakes often face enormous expenses, as they may be unable to return to work and they may need years of additional medical care and surgeries. We’ll calculate how much the mistake cost you, and we’ll fight to help you get the money you deserve.

It’s important to act right away if you were hurt by a medical professional. Evidence can quickly disappear, making it more difficult to get a favorable result. Call us today for a free consultation—we’re ready to get started.

3 Numbers to Call After an Auto Accident

by admin@gotechark.com | February 26th, 2018

The aftermath of a car accident can be a disorienting, painful, and traumatic time for victims. But almost all victims have a lifeline in their pockets or purses that can help them protect their health and their rights after an accident: their phones.

In the minutes, hours, and days after an auto accident, it’s important for victims to call these three numbers:

  1. 911 – Calling 911 is required by law if you were involved in a crash that involved injuries or property damage. In addition to creating a police report of the accident, it also makes it much easier for you and other victims to get prompt medical attention for your injuries.
  2. Your insurance provider – Although the exact timeframe differs, most insurance providers require notice of accidents within a matter of days. It’s best to call as soon as you’re able to do so to report the crash. Failing to do so can jeopardize your chances of getting compensation.
  3. A Norfolk auto accident lawyer – Successful car accident claims require proof and evidence—both of which can quickly disappear. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can review your case and determine whether you have a claim.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, it’s our goal to help innocent victims who were hurt in auto accidents that weren’t their fault, and we’re ready to put our experience to work for you. Call today for a free consultation.

3 Common Causes of Brain Injuries

by admin@gotechark.com | February 19th, 2018

In addition to being potentially life-threatening, brain injuries also affect victims to their very core, and in some cases, victims may even undergo dramatic personality, behavioral, and cognitive changes that can make them almost unrecognizable to their families and friends.

There are many causes of brain injuries, but three of the most common include:

  1. Car accidents – Seat belts and air bags can help reduce the dangers of driving or riding in vehicles, but they can’t eliminate them. Brain injuries can occur on impact or even from the brain moving inside the skull during accidents.
  2. Slips and falls – Even something as routine as walking down stairs or through a store can lead to a brain injury. Slips and falls that involve hitting the head on a hard surface can cause devastating tissue and cellular damage inside the brain.
  3. Work-related accidents – People who work in industrial environments, including factories and construction sites, are particularly at risk for brain injuries, as they may work near heavy objects and machinery that operates with significant force.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk brain injury lawyers know how devastating these types of injuries can be. We also know that many victims require extensive medical care and rehabilitation, with some needing around-the-clock supervision for the rest of their lives. That’s a financial burden that many families simply can’t bear.

It’s our goal to help victims and their loved ones get the full compensation they deserve. If you or someone you love suffered a brain injury, we’re here to help. Call today for a free consultation.

Birth Injury? You Need Experienced Legal Representation.

by admin@gotechark.com | February 12th, 2018

Finding out that your precious newborn child was harmed by a doctor or healthcare professional before, during, or after delivery is devastating. Because infants are so vulnerable, even minor mistakes and oversights can result in lifelong health problems and complications.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk birth injury lawyers are here to help the families of children who were victims of negligent healthcare providers and suffered broken bones or developed serious health problems like cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, or Erb’s palsy.

We know that you may be reluctant to pursue a claim against the doctor who helped delivery your baby or the hospital where the birth took place, especially if you’ve never needed a lawyer before.

An experienced legal team can handle all of the details of the claim while you spend time with your child and your family. You can count on a birth injury lawyer to:

  • Prove the birth injury occurred – We’ll collect evidence that leaves no doubt that your child was harmed before, during, or after delivery at the hospital.
  • Prove the birth injury was due to negligence – It’s not enough to just prove that the injury happened, and that’s why we continue collecting evidence until we can conclusively link your child’s injury or health problems to a provider’s carelessness.

Going up against a hospital or other healthcare facility requires experience and resources—and we want to help. We aren’t afraid of a fight, and we’ll do everything we can to maximize your chances of getting compensation. Call today for a free consultation.

Hurt by a Defective Product? We’re Here to Help.

by admin@gotechark.com | February 5th, 2018

Whether you buy a product from the store or you receive a medical implant from a surgeon, you expect it to be safe and effective. Unfortunately, many consumer and medical products pose serious dangers due to flawed designs, inferior components, or cut-rate manufacturing processes.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk defective product attorneys know how dangerous some products can be to innocent people. From causing rare and potentially deadly cancers and infections, to spurring inflammation and debilitating pain, our legal team fights for the rights of innocent consumers and patients harmed by the negligence of big corporations and product manufacturers.

A few of the most common types of defective product claims that we handle include:

  • Asbestos – Used for decades in manufacturing, construction, and other industrial uses, asbestos is linked to mesothelioma, a deadly cancer that affects the chest and lungs.
  • Joint replacements – Patients whose knees and hips fail often receive implants to regain mobility and reduce pain. But some implants are prone to failure or breaking apart inside the body, creating a significant risk of complications.
  • Birth control – Birth control implants, including IUDs, are linked to serious health problems, including cancer, bleeding, and miscarriages.

It can be difficult to get compensation from a big company if you go it alone. Having an experienced legal team on your side means you focus on getting better while knowing your claim is in good hands. Call us today for a free consultation and to find how we can help.

Watch Out for These Insurance Company Tactics After Your Auto Accident

by admin@gotechark.com | January 29th, 2018

After you’ve been involved in an auto crash, you may be dealing with severe pain, health complications, and emotional and psychological stress. The last thing you need are frequent phone calls or letters from the insurance company.

Unfortunately, that’s the reality for many car accident victims, whether or not they’re able to respond promptly or appropriately due to the severity of their injuries. In fact, many insurance company adjusters take advantage of victims while they’re still in shock after their accidents and before they’ve had a chance to truly comprehend how their accidents will affect them in the future.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk auto accident attorneys know that adjusters often use two common tactics to get their way when victims are still recovering:

  • Offering lowball settlement offers – Auto accidents can be extremely expensive, especially when you factor in future medical bills and lost wages. Insurance adjusters frequently offer settlements that seem impressive on the surface, but those offers pale in comparison to the total sum the accident will cost the victim.
  • Getting victims to admit they were at fault – Insurance adjusters can quickly and easily nullify a settlement opportunity simply by getting victims to admit they were fully or partially responsible for their accidents. However, they often obtain those “confessions” by taking statements out of context or by asking leading questions.

Having an experienced legal team on your side can help you avoid the insurance company’s tricks. Don’t go it alone after an accident. Call us today for a free consultation, and let us fight for your rights.

3 Common Types of Medical Malpractice

by admin@gotechark.com | January 22nd, 2018

Doctors’ offices and hospitals are supposed to be places of healing and professional care—not environments where negligence and carelessness cause serious complications and even death.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we know that most healthcare professionals are dedicated to their jobs and the well-being of their patients. But some fail to take the necessary precautions to protect their patients from harm, while others may knowingly endanger those in their care.

Our Norfolk medical malpractice lawyers are dedicated to holding negligent physicians, surgeons, and other medical professionals liable for any types of patient-harming negligence, which can include:

  1. Surgical errors – Surgery can reduce pain, improve mobility, and save lives, but it can also cause severe complications and side effects when errors occur. Surgeons who operate on the wrong body part, leave tools behind, or fail to sterilize equipment can put patients at risk.
  2. Misdiagnosis – Correctly diagnosing illnesses and diseases is one of the most essential parts of a physician’s job. It requires patience, research, and testing, but some healthcare professionals rush to conclusions, putting their patients’ well-being at risk and worsening their prognoses.
  3. Childbirth injuries – The delivery process always carries an element of risk for both babies and mothers. Doctors are trained to assist with deliveries in a manner that avoids harm, but some use forceful methods to complete deliveries, while others are negligent in follow-up care.

Other common forms of medical malpractice include medication errors and anesthesia errors. If you or someone you love was harmed by a negligent medical professional, we want to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Protect Yourself With the Right Motorcycle Helmet

by admin@gotechark.com | January 15th, 2018

If you ride a motorcycle, you know that getting around on two wheels is a unique experience that you just can’t replicate in a car, truck, or SUV. Unfortunately, the trade-off for the sense of freedom and exhilaration that riding a motorcycle brings is a significant reduction in safety, especially during crashes.

As a motorcyclist, you’re on your own when it comes to protecting yourself from injuries. Motorcycles have no built-in safety features, and there are no seat belts to restrain you or airbags to soften impacts. The best way you can protect yourself is by wearing riding gear, including a jacket, pants, gloves, boots, and—most importantly—a helmet.

Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers’ team of Virginia motorcycle accident attorneys knows how important helmets are for the safety of riders, but we also know that they’re only at their most effective when they’re the right type, size, and fit. You can ensure your helmet is suitable by following these guidelines:

  • Buy a helmet that meets industry standards. There are three major safety standards for motorcycle helmets: DOT, ECE 22.05, and Snell. Make sure any helmet you buy meets at least one of those standards.
  • Get a helmet that fits. Helmets should fit snugly without being too tight. Most helmets can be adjusted using inserts and padding to create a perfect fit, but some may be bad fits from the beginning. Try on different helmets until you find one that fits comfortably while riding.

Helmets can significantly reduce the risk of head and brain injuries, but they can’t eliminate them completely. If you or someone you love was seriously hurt in a motorcycle crash, we may be able to help. Contact us today for a free consultation to find out how we can put our years of experience to work for your family.

What Are the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

by admin@gotechark.com | January 8th, 2018

If your loved one lives in a nursing home, you expect the doctors, nurses, and support staff to provide your loved one with excellent care. But whether it’s due to lack of funding, poor training, or inattentive employees, some nursing home residents get little to no attention, while others are actively abused by medical staff.

The Norfolk nursing home abuse lawyers at Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers are dedicated to standing up for the rights of abused and neglected nursing home residents throughout Virginia, but we know that this kind of abuse isn’t always obvious. If you suspect that your loved one isn’t receiving the care and attention he or she deserves, watch for these signs of potential abuse or neglect:

  • Unexplained cuts, bruises, or pain – Nursing home staff should keep you updated on your loved one’s health and report any falls or injuries to you right away. If you notice that your loved one appears injured or is in pain but you never received an explanation, it may be due to neglect or abuse.
  • Worsening health – Many nursing home residents require frequent medication dosages and other treatments to manage their health conditions. If your loved one’s health is worsening with no explanation, it may be due to insufficient care from doctors, nurses, and other staff.

It’s important to act fast if you suspect nursing home abuse, as evidence of the act can quickly disappear. Our legal team knows how to build strong claims for families like yours, and we’ll do everything we can to maximize your chances of recovering compensation. Call today for a free consultation.