Auto Accident

Uncovering the Why of Your Accident

by | October 3rd, 2016

Those who have survived traumatic, life-threatening car accidents often claim that in the moment right before impact, their lives flashed before their eyes. At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we know the devastation a distracted or careless driver can have on a Norfolk family. It only takes one lapse of concentration or judgment to change or end a person’s life forever, leaving the victim and their family asking the proverbial question of why.

When an accident victim comes to us for help, we always start with the “why.” The reasons behind the crash can have a profound impact on how much your case is worth, especially if it goes to court. Our goal is two-fold when it comes to injury claims. First, we want to get the client every dollar in compensation they deserve. That includes money for medical bills, lost wages, and more. Second, we want to discourage other drivers from putting Norfolk citizens at risk. We do that by fully investigating the cause of the accident and holding the at-fault driver accountable for his/her actions.

If you’ve been injured, call our experienced Norfolk car accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We’ve been helping Norfolk accident victims get the compensation they deserve for more than 30 years, and we’re ready to help you too.

5 Driving Safety Tips for September

by | September 5th, 2016

September is one of the deadliest months on U.S. roads—with one of the deadliest holidays (Labor Day). Although we wish Norfolk was exempt from these statistics, chances are we’ll have a number of serious accidents this month along with the rest of the country. However, adhering to the following 5 driver safety tips may help reduce your chances of being involved in a car accident:

  1. Leave early. Many car crashes are the result of driving too fast in order to get to your destination on time. If you regularly are running late on your daily commute, try leaving 20 minutes early. You’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed you are on your commute.
  2. Be patient. Traffic jams or other hold-ups are just part of driving. Getting frustrated or taking unnecessary risks in an attempt to get where you’re going faster leads to accidents. Don’t do it.
  3. Look twice. The one thing you can’t control on the road is the actions of other drivers. Even when you have the right away, take a second look to make sure the other drivers on the road adhere to traffic laws.
  4. Avoid distractions. Talking on your phone, putting on makeup, or eating breakfast can get you or someone else killed on the road. It’s as simple as that.
  5. Never drive impaired. There are far too many ride alternatives in the Roanoke area for you to take the risk of driving impaired. Even if you think you’re fine, don’t take the chance of ending someone else’s life or your own by getting behind the wheel.

Unfortunately, even the safest, most responsible drivers are sometimes still involved in a car accident. If you’ve been injured, give our experienced Norfolk car accident attorneys a call for a free consultation. Let us work to help you get maximum compensation in the least amount of time.

Beware of Sleeper Injuries

by | August 29th, 2016

It’s almost a given that you’ll be involved in some sort of vehicular accident in your lifetime. When it happens and you’re not seriously injured, consider yourself fortunate. As personal injury lawyers, we help accident victims all the time whose lives have been forever changed due to their injuries.

However, just because you didn’t sustain any apparent injuries in your accident, such as broken bones or lacerations, doesn’t mean you weren’t injured. Every day, people walk away from accidents only to discover days later that they did sustain serious injuries. These sleeper injuries are masked at the time of the accident by the adrenaline pumping through your body, leading many to assume they escaped injury-free. That’s why it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional following your accident even if you feel fine. The sooner you identify your injuries, the sooner you can get the medical treatment you need.

That’s the first step to recovering from an accident. The second is calling an experienced Norfolk car accident attorney to help handle your injury claim. On average, accident victims with an attorney get more money than those who try to go it alone. Don’t miss out on the compensation you deserve. Call our experienced Norfolk car accident attorneys today.

Helping Communities Across Virginia

by | August 1st, 2016

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we take our responsibility to help injured Virginians get the compensation they deserve seriously. We understand that without our help, many accident victims would be taken advantage of in their darkest hour, when they can’t fight back. That’s why we not only help the people of Norfolk, but also communities throughout the state.

Whether you’re in Chesapeake, Hampton Road, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, or Williamsburg, there’s a legal advocate you can trust just a phone call away. From your initial free consultation, you’ll know that you’ve not only reached the right law firm, but one that will stand behind you throughout the process of getting you fair compensation for your injuries. There’s nothing better than feeling safe after an accident. At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we’re committed to giving every person who comes through our doors that sense of security, including you.

If you’ve been injured, call our Virginia car accident attorneys a call today for your free consultation. You’ve already been through a lot, but you don’t have to go through what comes next alone. Give us a call today.

Drug Use Linked to Fatal Accidents

by | July 5th, 2016

Norfolk in recent years has had more than its fair share of alcohol-related deaths on our roads. Drinking and driving is never justified, even if you make it safely to your destination, as it can lead you to believe that buzzed driving is harmless. It’s not, and if you continue to do so, it’s only a matter of time before you hurt yourself or someone else. However, alcohol isn’t the only type of inebriation that can kill on the roads.

According to a recent Auto Insurance Center, there were more than 900 fatalities in 2014 that involved marijuana-use. In fact, vehicular deaths involving marijuana were 3 times more common than any other illegal substance. These statistics are a reminder that any type of inebriation and driving can be a deadly mix, and we won’t stand for it here in Norfolk.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we hold impaired drivers accountable for the injuries they cause. If you’ve been injured, call our Norfolk car accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We’ll fully investigate the negligent driver that caused your accident and fight to get you maximum compensation for your injuries. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Give us a call today.

What Every Accident Victim Should Do

by | June 13th, 2016

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we don’t fault any business for trying to make a profit. What we can’t stand is when a business puts profits ahead of people. As personal injury lawyers, we deal with insurance companies that try to pay accident victims less than they deserve for their injuries, all in the name of profits. Last year alone, those profits were in the billions of dollars. Luckily, we know how to beat the insurance company, and you can help.

You might think your injury claim is too minor or insignificant to bother calling a lawyer, but these assumptions can damage your ability to file a claim if your injuries get worse. If you were injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you should at the very least consult with a lawyer, even if you don’t end up hiring one. Despite what an insurance adjuster may tell you, there’s really no way to know how much this accident is going to cost you right away. What seems like a simple injury could require a significant amount of follow-up care, which is going to cost money. If you settle with the insurance company too early for too little, you’re going to be left holding those medical bills.

The truth is there’s no reason not to call a lawyer after an accident. At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we offer free consultations to every accident victim who calls. If you do become a client, we’ll give you our No Fee Guarantee, which means you won’t pay us anything unless we win your case. That means no risk to you. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Call our Norfolk car accident attorneys today.

You are More than a Number

by | May 31st, 2016

Every personal injury case requires a great deal of paperwork. As your attorney, we’ll handle the majority of this paperwork on your behalf, so all you have to worry about is your recovery. You might be surprised to learn that the insurance company has mountains of paperwork to process on your behalf as well. In fact, they have a whole file on your injury claim. Here’s the difference. To them, you’re just a number on paper.

You start as an accident report number. Then you become a claim number. Then, if they get their way, you end up as a small settlement number. Their job is to minimize the impact your claim has on their bottom line rather than minimize the impact the accident has on you. It’s simple arithmetic. The less money they pay you for your car accident, the more money they can add to their billion-dollar profits.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our job is to make the insurance company pay what an accident victim deserves, not what’s best for their balance sheet. That job isn’t done until you’ve received the maximum compensation possible for your injuries, so you can move forward with confidence knowing your financial situation is secure. If you’ve been injured, call our Norfolk car accident attorneys for a free consultation. You can’t afford to go it alone, so call today.

You May Not Need a Lawyer

by | May 9th, 2016

Auto accidents happen every day in Roanoke, though only a fraction of accident victims hire a lawyer to represent them in their injury claim. That shouldn’t be surprising. A lot of folks feel like they don’t need a lawyer because their injuries aren’t severe, think it’s too much of hassle, or simply don’t know which firm to call, so they call no one.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we don’t believe every accident victim should hire a lawyer. However, we do believe every accident victim should call one. We get thousands of calls every year, many of which are accident victims simply seeking advice on what to do next. We’re always happy to field their questions for free, because we know information is a vital component in making the right decision. Often after hearing the specifics of their situation, we tell them they actually don’t need a lawyer, giving them confidence to take the next steps in the process—confidence they wouldn’t have had if they hadn’t consulted with a lawyer first.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, call our Roanoke car accident attorneys for a free consultation. There’s no obligation and it’s absolutely free. Don’t risk making a mistake that could negatively impact your family’s future. Call us today.

Are You on the Insurance Company’s List?

by | April 25th, 2016

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we love making lists. There’s just nothing like writing out everything you have to do and systematically knocking them out. Every time you cross an item off, it’s a small victory. Insurance companies love lists too, but instead of things they need to do, their lists consist of names, and if you’ve been in an accident, you better believe your name is already on there.

We’ve mentioned before on this blog that insurance companies can process more than 35,000 claims a day, but that statement seems a little cold and isn’t completely accurate, so let’s restate it a different way. Insurance companies can process more than 35,000 people a day.

Take Bill who was rear-ended by a distracted driver. Bill is going to have serious neck problems for the next several years, and will eventually need surgery to relieve the pain. All told, his medical bills are going to be over $100,000. It’s in the insurance company’s best interests to cross Bill off their list as quickly as possible to avoid paying for all his medical treatment, and they might if Bill doesn’t get a lawyer on his side.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we know how the big insurance companies operate. We don’t let them cross our clients off their lists until they’ve paid them every penny they deserve for their injuries. If you’ve been injured, call our experienced Norfolk car accident attorneys today for a free consultation and put our experience to work for you.

Even the Fight With the Insurance Company

by | April 18th, 2016

If you’ve been in a serious accident, you’ve got a serious fight ahead of you, and it’s up to you whether you’re going to stand up for yourself or stand down. We’ll be honest, most people give up without a fight. Their opponent is a massive insurance company with teams of lawyers on their side. It seems like putting up a fight is futile, and the truth is it can be alone.

That’s why it’s vitally important that you get an experienced Norfolk car accident attorney on your side. We have years of experience fighting on behalf of accident victims who weren’t willing to lie down and let the insurance company roll all over them. We know how to deal with the insurance company and will fight until they do the right thing and pay you what you deserve for your injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, the fight ahead may seem daunting, but it’s a fight worth taking. The good news is you don’t have to fight alone. Call us today for a free consultation. We’ll investigate your case, determine a plan of attack, and then execute that plan to the best of our abilities. Take the first step to putting this accident behind you and give us a call today.