Auto Accident

2 Overlooked Causes of Auto Accidents

by | June 4th, 2018

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. for people of all ages. That’s why law enforcement officers are always on the lookout for drivers who violate driving laws, including speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, or failing to stop at stop signs and traffic lights.

But a significant number of car crashes are caused by factors that drivers aren’t always aware of. Two of those factors include:

  1. Overconfidence—It’s easy to feel like you’re completely safe on the road, especially when you’re driving a route you’re extremely familiar with and you’re already taking all the necessary safety precautions. But just being overconfident is enough to increase your risk of being involved in a crash, as it means you may actually be less aware of your surroundings.
  2. Fatigue—Whether it’s sleepiness, physical exhaustion, or mental drain, fatigue is common among Virginia’s drivers, and it’s a significant factor in crashes. It’s important to avoid driving if you feel mentally or physically exhausted, as fatigue can affect you the same way that alcohol impairment can when you’re behind the wheel.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we know that no two car accidents are the same, and the causes of crashes aren’t always obvious. That’s why our Norfolk auto accident attorneys carefully evaluate claims to collect and analyze evidence that proves the other driver was at fault.

Don’t call just any law firm if you were hurt in a crash that wasn’t your fault. Get our experience on your side—call today for a free consultation.

3 Reasons to Get Immediate Medical Attention after An Auto Accident

by | April 2nd, 2018

The aftermath of a car crash can be a confusing and overwhelming time. You’re in pain and in shock, and it can be difficult to think clearly—let alone plan for how the accident may affect your future. But the steps you take now can have a major impact on your health and your right to pursue compensation, and the first and most important step is getting medical attention.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk car accident lawyers stress the importance of getting prompt treatment at emergency room or urgent care clinic after a crash for three reasons:

  1. It provides immediate treatment for your injuries – The sooner you get treated for the injuries you suffered in the crash, the better your prognosis will be. Delaying treatment means more pain, more complications, and prolonged time away from work.
  2. It rules out internal injuries – Car accidents can cause victims to suffer injuries that aren’t visible and may not be obvious for some time. Internal bleeding and organ damage can be ruled out or diagnosed and treated if you get prompt medical attention.
  3. It creates valuable evidence for your claim – To be eligible for compensation, you must prove your injuries were caused by another careless driver. Seeing a doctor right away creates important medical records that the insurance company won’t be able to deny when we negotiate on your behalf.

After getting medical treatment, your next step should be getting an experienced law firm on your side. Call us today for a free consultation—we’re here to help.

3 Numbers to Call After an Auto Accident

by | February 26th, 2018

The aftermath of a car accident can be a disorienting, painful, and traumatic time for victims. But almost all victims have a lifeline in their pockets or purses that can help them protect their health and their rights after an accident: their phones.

In the minutes, hours, and days after an auto accident, it’s important for victims to call these three numbers:

  1. 911 – Calling 911 is required by law if you were involved in a crash that involved injuries or property damage. In addition to creating a police report of the accident, it also makes it much easier for you and other victims to get prompt medical attention for your injuries.
  2. Your insurance provider – Although the exact timeframe differs, most insurance providers require notice of accidents within a matter of days. It’s best to call as soon as you’re able to do so to report the crash. Failing to do so can jeopardize your chances of getting compensation.
  3. A Norfolk auto accident lawyer – Successful car accident claims require proof and evidence—both of which can quickly disappear. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can review your case and determine whether you have a claim.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, it’s our goal to help innocent victims who were hurt in auto accidents that weren’t their fault, and we’re ready to put our experience to work for you. Call today for a free consultation.

Watch Out for These Insurance Company Tactics After Your Auto Accident

by | January 29th, 2018

After you’ve been involved in an auto crash, you may be dealing with severe pain, health complications, and emotional and psychological stress. The last thing you need are frequent phone calls or letters from the insurance company.

Unfortunately, that’s the reality for many car accident victims, whether or not they’re able to respond promptly or appropriately due to the severity of their injuries. In fact, many insurance company adjusters take advantage of victims while they’re still in shock after their accidents and before they’ve had a chance to truly comprehend how their accidents will affect them in the future.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk auto accident attorneys know that adjusters often use two common tactics to get their way when victims are still recovering:

  • Offering lowball settlement offers – Auto accidents can be extremely expensive, especially when you factor in future medical bills and lost wages. Insurance adjusters frequently offer settlements that seem impressive on the surface, but those offers pale in comparison to the total sum the accident will cost the victim.
  • Getting victims to admit they were at fault – Insurance adjusters can quickly and easily nullify a settlement opportunity simply by getting victims to admit they were fully or partially responsible for their accidents. However, they often obtain those “confessions” by taking statements out of context or by asking leading questions.

Having an experienced legal team on your side can help you avoid the insurance company’s tricks. Don’t go it alone after an accident. Call us today for a free consultation, and let us fight for your rights.

3 Winter Driving Tips to Help You Stay Safe

by | December 18th, 2017

Although snowfall and ice accumulation aren’t as common in our area as they are in other parts of the East Coast, many parts of Virginia still get hit by winter storms that make roads treacherous. Because of that, it’s important to be prepared—especially if you plan on traveling out of state this winter to areas where inclement weather is more common.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Virginia auto accident lawyers know that slick roads are one of the biggest contributing factors to accidents throughout the U.S. And in many states where snowfall is rare, accidents become more likely when winter weather hits. Drivers aren’t used to driving in such conditions, and road crews may be less prepared to treat roads before and during rush hour or other periods of heavy traffic.

You can be proactive and reduce your risks by:

  1. Preparing your vehicle. Make sure your brakes are serviced or replaced if they’re worn. You should also check your tires to make sure they’re filled to the right PSI and still have plenty of tread before driving.
  2. Reducing your speed. Just as you would in a heavy rainstorm, it’s important to drive slower when roads may have patches of snow or ice. Reducing your speed reduces your chances of losing control.
  3. Turning off cruise control. Cruise control is convenient, but it takes away some aspect of control. Turn this feature off when driving in winter weather to maintain better control of your speed.

Most drivers increase their level of caution and safety awareness during the winter, but not everyone does. If you were hurt in a crash that was caused by a negligent driver, we want to help you. Contact us today for a free consultation.

3 Common Forms of Negligence that Lead to Auto Accidents

by | November 6th, 2017

In the months and years after most people obtain their drivers’ licenses, they quickly become accustomed to the act of driving. In fact, they can safely get from point A to point B without much effort.

But even though driving becomes “automatic” for many people, it still requires focus, attention, and coordination.

Unfortunately, many drivers take their safety and ability to safely operate their vehicles for granted. That often leads to them getting behind the wheel under unsafe conditions or engaging in dangerous activities while driving.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk car accident attorneys look for these three signs of negligence or carelessness after crashes:

  1. Distracted driving – Texting while driving is an epidemic in the U.S. and throughout Virginia, and it plays a role in a huge number of car accidents nationwide every year.
  2. Drunk or impaired driving – When drivers get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, taking certain medications, or using drugs, they often lose their ability to focus, stay alert, or react quickly.
  3. Speeding – All roads in Virginia have posted speed limits, and when drivers exceed those limits, they put themselves and others in danger, as they’re more likely to lose control or be unable to stop in time to avoid collisions.

If you or a loved one were injured in an auto accident caused by someone else’s negligence, we want to fight for your rights to the compensation you deserve. Call today for a free consultation.

Daylight Saving Time Can Increase Your Risk of an Auto Accident

by | October 9th, 2017

The time to set your clocks back one hour is rapidly approaching. At 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 5, daylight saving time will end. That means you’ll need to roll back your clock one hour. And while the extra hour of sleep may leave you feeling more rested on Monday morning, your chances of being involved in an auto accident can increase.

Experts believe this phenomenon occurs for a few reasons:

  • Loss of light – While the end of daylight saving time means more light in the morning, it also means less light during the evening commute home—and low visibility is a major risk factor for car accidents.
  • Drunk driving – People’s behavior is noted to change when they’re anticipating a time change due to the beginning or ending of daylight saving time. That can result in increased alcohol consumption and intoxicated driving.
  • Less attentive driving – Gaining an hour can make drivers less cautious behind the wheel. Their biological clocks are still operating as though it’s daylight, but visibility on the road is much lower.

Before daylight saving time ends this year, make sure that your loved ones understand the risks associated with the shift in daylight and the earlier sunset.

If you or someone you love was hurt in an auto accident that was caused by a negligent driver, the Norfolk auto accident lawyers at Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers are here to help. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.

Avoid These 2 Common Post-Auto Accident Mistakes

by | September 5th, 2017

An unfortunate reality for auto accident victims is that the things they say and do in the minutes, hours, and days after their crashes can impact their opportunities to get compensation for their medical bills and lost wages.

Insurance companies look for ways to reduce or deny claims whenever possible. In some cases, they can achieve this simply by waiting for crash victims to make mistakes that insurance companies can later use against them. To make matters worse, many victims have no idea that these actions can jeopardize their chances to get the money their families need, especially if their accidents put them out of work.

Lowell Stanley’s team of Norfolk car accident lawyers has represented many injured victims throughout Virginia, and 2 of the most common mistakes we see victims make are:

  1. Admitting fault for the accident before investigation is conducted – Never admit fault for a crash. This will be determined by experienced investigators after all evidence has been collected and considered. Auto accidents are traumatic and disorienting, and it’s common for victims to misremember what happened even moments earlier. Admitting fault to the police, the other driver, witnesses, or the insurance company can nullify your chances of pursuing compensation.
  2. Talking about the accident or your case with friends or on social media – Insurance adjusters are always looking for evidence they can use against you. They might speak with your friends, coworkers, or even look at your social media pages to find information about the accident. Keep all information between yourself and your attorney, and never post about the crash online.

The most important thing you can do after the accident is get an experienced and qualified legal team on your side soon as possible. When you contact us, we may be able to take over your case and handle all communication with the insurance company.

Call today to find out how we can help you—our consultations are always free.

Auto Accident? Listen to Your Gut.

by | July 17th, 2017

Have you ever had a gut feeling that someone or something isn’t quite right? Whether it’s a salesman trying to sell you on a product or a loved one telling a story that just doesn’t add up, your gut can often sense another’s true intentions. If you’ve been in a serious car accident, you’ll likely have one of these moments the first time you speak with the insurance company. Their main objective is to pay you as little as possible for your injury claim. If your gut tells you something’s wrong, listen to it.

There’s a reason so many people turn to the car accident attorneys at Lowell Stanley every year. They know that the amount of money they’re offered by the insurance company isn’t going to be enough to help them fully recover from their injuries, so they give us a call, and we take it from there. The reality is that the insurance company’s power comes from you. The more you give them, the less you can expect to get in return.

If you’ve been injured, take the power back. Contact our experienced Norfolk car accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We review all Norfolk car accident cases for free with no obligation to become a client. You have the power to get maximum compensation for your injuries. Contact us today and let us put our experience to work for you.

2 Important Tips for Car Accident Victims

by | June 26th, 2017

Recovering from a serious car accident can take months, even years. It takes time and determination to overcome your injuries, leaving little energy for anything else. However, your injury claim is just as important as your recovery. A low settlement can leave your family in a financial crisis, which is why you need to avoid the biggest pitfalls accident victims fall into.

In our experience, here are two tips every car accident victim should know:

  1. Don’t stop medical treatment too soon. The medical treatment you receive for your injuries is the foundation of your injury claim. When you miss a doctor’s appointment or skip a physical therapy session, you’re essentially taking money out of your pocket and putting it in the insurance company’s coffers. Never skimp on medical treatment. It could make a huge difference in the compensation you receive for your injuries.
  2. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible. If you don’t think you need a lawyer to help with your injury claim, consider this. Accident victims with an attorney get up to two times more money than those without. Going it alone leaves you vulnerable to the insurance company’s influence. If you sign a settlement agreement for less than you deserve, you could be responsible for thousands of dollars in medical and other expenses later on.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, give us a call immediately for a free consultation. An experienced Roanoke car accident attorney is ready to help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.